Minggu, 25 Maret 2012

Alex Ferguson: "United" and "City" are now competitors

The head coach, "Manchester United," manager Alex Ferguson described hisattitude to the main competitor for the title of England - "Manchester City". 
"I think we all have to get used to the fact that the "United" and "City" are now competitors. Over the next decade - for sure. We will constantly be fighting forvictory in the championship semifinals and finals of various competitions. 
But I also think that the "Arsenal", "Chelsea" and "Spurs" will play a more stableand in the future will be able to compete for top places. 
In the fight for the titles of important experience. This is very helpful. Maybe it does not sound so convincing, but it is. This applies to the current season. 
In principle, one can admire the game "City." They did their job exceptionally well, have long been at the top of the table. In a sense, they can be called masters of the situation now, because in their stadium, they do not lose points. And our intramuralgame will take place on the "Etihad" - quoted Ferguson's official site of the club.

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